Wednesday 23 September 2009

Congratulations Emi & Nina

My cousin got engaged recently and i was so happy when he told me, i said i'd make him cupcakes as part of the offerings/hantaran- sorta on the spur of the moment. So, i did the best i could and this was the first time i made fondant roses on my own. And i'm really happy with the turn out. The cupcakes were Just Jane's with a very soft Memo swirl of pink and white, decorated with fondant roses.. i hope they liked it, they never actually told me.. hmmpf!

Selamat Hari Raya to everyone =)

Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin to all muslim friends & family. Hope your Eid to full of family reunions, joy, laughter and of course desserts ;)

Okay, I will be back to baking at the start of next week 28th Sept, please place your orders in advance (at least 4-5 days notice). I'll be taking orders until the 22nd of Oct only because i'll be going away on a short course and will resume again in Nov, hopefully with more varieties for you.
These are snaps of what i made for raya at my house on the 1st day. Unfortunately, I was running up and down the kitchen to refill these all day n night that i didn't really take much pix, so i don't have much to choose from. Anyway, these are Just Jane's (vanilla flavour) and lemon (the yellow frostings) cupcakes and i've done them in a rainbow swirl which i like to call 'The Memo Cupcakes'- inspired by my lil'sister.

I also made a rocky road version of Bella Donna (chocolate flavour) it's got marshmallows, chopped walnuts and cherries- which hasn't been named yet.. But it is really yummy if you like different textures in your mouth at the same time-soft, chewy, crunchy..MmMmm...

Thursday 10 September 2009

Raya orders & Hubby's cake

Hi.. i've been very slack at updating-sorry!
Firstly i need to thank my fabulous photogs who came over late one night and took all the lovely shots of my cupcakes.. So thanks guys =D 
Sooo.. now you'll be viewing amateur pix that i take from my simple camera.. please bare with them.. (unless the fab duo come over again that is ;) )

Secondly, orders for Raya.. I'm sorry i'm not taking any this year. The cupcakes only last for up to 3days, and i don't want to be in the kitchen baking during Raya- well not for the first few days anyway.. But i will update when i'll be back in the kitchen, so watch this page!

Lastly, this cake was made for my wonderful hubby on his bday. The cake itself is Beautiful Bianca, smothered in dark chocolate frosting and it's surrounded by Bella Donna & Alluring Ella cupcakes.
Unfortunately, i forgot to take pix of the Just Jane's and Beautiful Bianca's that were served earlier on in the night. Oh well, i guess i'll have to make more seeing as Em and i reckon having ones just not enough ;) and remember to take the pix before we eat them! 

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Fruit Cake for Hari Raya!!

This fruit cake i'll be taking orders epecially for Hari Raya. 
Size approx: 8"x 3"
Price: $30

Beautiful Bianca

  Delicious banana & chocolate chips with a touch of chocolate frosting.. it's all about the beauty.. on the inside 

Cheeky Carrie

 It's carrot cake with a nutty walnut crunch on the inside and smooth cream cheese frosting to top it off..


Alluring Ella

  Ultra chocolate with scrumptious peanutbutter fudge frosting..MmmMmmm..... 


Magic Melody

    A zesty lemon cheesecake with a surprisingly crunchy top..


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